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Our High Standards of Service

We pride ourselves on offering the highest standards of service together with expert IT skills

IT Services London

Home Users

RepairMend is able to provide solutions for the home computer user and businesses. We can help you install new hardware or software, upgrade your operating system,remove viruses and spyware, configure printers, setup backing up data, boosting your internet and wifi connection and signals, network your computers, configure your email for your email client, conduct a computer maintenance service.

Business IT Services London

Our highly skilled team provide regular IT support for many small local businesses in and around Kensignton and Chelsea. We provide a service to help fixing day to day issues that can affect small businesses. Network issues, software problems, viruses or spyware, installing new hardware or upgrade machines, repairs, email income and outgoing server troubleshooting, cloud networking are some of the areas we can assist you with.

Why Are We The Best?

Our mission is to deliver the best and quickest services at affordable price to our clients.
Receiving satisfactory service is the prominent right of anyone, that is our philosophy to reserve this right in our relationship with our clients.
Honest, Fast, High quality, Respectful and affordable service our support as well as long term professional relationship.

IT Services London

RepairMend is located within Royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

We are open 7 days a week, Monday to Sunday – 9am to 7pm.  Our usual turnaround time is same day.

UK Same Day Free Collection & Delivery

Our UK Same Day FREE Collection and Delivery is the most convenient and quickest service. While you are at your home or your business place one of our collector will come and collect your Laptop,  with high care and after mending your laptop in our London based workshop it will be returned to you the same day. For this service we do not charge extra, it all comes for free.

Contact us

Call us today and we will send your quotation straight away.

Contact us